Evaluation Q.3 – What have you learnt from your audiencefeedback?
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The first thing to notice about this shot is the fact that 9people clicked the “Like” button on the video, shown by the little thumb. This waspositive but it was the comments we were interested in. the first comment onthis shot says weird, by a friend of ours called Joanna Brown, she thenelaborates this to “good weird” showing her approval of the video. We then hadmore positive feedback from Jessica and Bethany, Bethany says “strange but deadgood” which is the second comment of this nature. We can take two things fromthis, on the one hand these comments about the video being strange could meanit is confusing and people aren’t grasping the fact that there is one lunaticgetting into Matt’s head, and then the narrative should be clearer in order forit to make sense. However, we could also take pride in the fact that if peopleare saying our music video is “weird” then we have achieved our aim of making thevideo disturbing, and have displayed our representation of an instable mind ina successful way. We preferred to take the comments about the video being weirdas positive as we feel it highlights the fact our video is unconventional,different and we overall achieved our aims of making an eerie and abstractvideo.
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In this screenshot, we have two more comments, one fromHarry Slater says the video is “brilliant” which we found positive but we werelooking for a more analytical comment like the one from Adam below. Adam was ofthe opinion that we did not need the parts with Caitlin at the beginning as itwas not needed. From this we feel as if our piece was not clear enough, we didnot put the point that Caitlin was possessed across in a clear way and thiscaused confusion as to why these shots were there. It was disappointing becausewe felt we were clear in the way the narrative was put across but it seems thiswas not the case. Adam also felt the video got boring and wanted us to changethe mood of the song through the video. We felt this was a fair comment as thesong does get quite boring; however, it was hard for us to do any more than wedid because of the beat of the song. The shots had to be slowed down in orderto keep consistent with the cuts and beats of the song, and the only way tochange the mood would be to speed the shots up and stop the video being aseerie, which would have gone against our aims anyway. Adam does point out thathe liked the effect we put on the band shots using motion as have a lot of people including theteachers, we have received a lot of positive comments on thst which is very pleasing.The last point mad eon this shot is that Adam wanted a specific reference to “DarkSide of the Moon” which is a good point. We did lip sync which we found was agood effect, but he wanted a more obvious link to these lyrics with his ideadoing some filming under moonlight or using a moonlight effect which we think wouldhave been excellent. Linking the words to the context or setting of the song issomething we will take into account next time.
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This third set of comments of Facebook contains positive feedbackand some constructive criticism we can take a lot from. The first comment from Peter highlights howgood the editing was which is positive as we have had a number of comments aboutthis and the effects we used really were one of our strongest points in thismusic video. Peter is of the opinion that Caitlin with the make-up and theshots of her are random and this is worrying because he is the second person tosay that these shots are ont needed. This again makes us feel as if we have notmade the narrative clear enough and the video therefore comes across asconfusing. Tim and Ryan both share the opinion that the editing is good but theywould have used some transitions between clips instead of the fading techniquewe used. This was an interesting point as we didn’t think to do this, but avalid one as we’re sure this would have had a good effect. Later in his commentRyan highlights the fact that the first minute with Caitlin is once again a bit“weird” suggesting it does not fit well with the rest of the video. The factthat 3 people have picked up on the same point illustrates that this is a validpoint, maybe Caitlin’s involvement could have been made clearer, and thenarrative should have been laid out in a more simple way, this is the mainpoint we have got from our feedback thus far.
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