Shot List- Brain
Damage- Pink Floyd (Music Video)
First Performance
1. 1. Long Shot
is a long shot with the camera slowly panning to the right of the lead
guitarist walking into the recording studio area, picking up his guitar and finally
placing it on his knee.
2. 2. Mid shot
This is a mid shot of
the lead singer sat on the amp with his guitar on his knee. This is a very
short clip.
3. 3. Close up Shot
This is a high angle close
up shot of the lead guitarist plugging in his guitar into his amp.
4. 4. Mid shot
This is a mid shot of
the lead guitarist setting up the amp. His head is purposely not in the frame,
leaving only his lower torso and legs.
5. 5. Close up Shot
This is a mid shot of
the bassist tuning his guitar as he walks towards his own amp. He then sits on
the amp while the camera tracks him.
6. 6. Long Shot
This is a long shot of
the bassist and the lead guitarists tuning their guitars. The camera is
positioned closer to the bassist while the lead guitarist is in the background.
There is a use of shallow depth of field.
7. 7. Extreme Close up Shot
This is an extreme
close up shot of the lead guitarist fingers on the top head of the guitar,
tuning it.
8. 8. Long Shot
Finally, there is a
long shot showing the whole band ready to begin playing. The camera is
positioned at a high angle.
Raph Jims
Raph Jims
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